You Optimize Your Own Site?
optimize your own web site and boost your site's ranking on internet search
engines, you must know exactly the right search terms to target, the
correct META tag
design techniques, how to re-write your web site copy to include keywords, keep track of current search engine ranking algorithms, know
exactly what format to submit your site in to every search engine or directory and
what NOT to do in order to avoid ranking penalties.

also need to know whether your site is technically compatible with search engine
robots, what types of pages the engines will accept and which will be barriers
to ranking, plus what sort of overall “relevancy score” your site will
receive from each search engine you submit to.
only that, but once you’re ranking highly, you have to monitor your progress
and adjust your meta tags every now and then to ensure your search engine
placement is above your
competitors on all internet search engines and directories for your target search
You also have to be willing to monitor the constant changes in the search engine
industry by subscribing to newsletters, visiting forums and reading articles.
These are all crucial
steps to a high ranking, but VERY time consuming and not your core business! If
you have a real passion for geeky, tech stuff, an understanding of HTML, plenty
of time on your hands to learn, money for promotional software and if you're in
no hurry for traffic, then by all means, teach yourself search engine
optimization and learn how to optimize your own site. It's a fascinating
industry and there are plenty of links on this site to search
engine resources to get you started. You can even take a
SEO 101 Course from Search Engine College.
But be warned: you will not become
a SEO overnight. It takes many months of absorbing info, testing what works,
making mistakes and monitoring changes before you understand what you're doing.
You may then find that the results aren't as good as you'd hoped for. You may
also make mistakes along the way that can cause your site to be penalized or
even banned by search engines. Many
webmasters just don't have the time or inclination to learn SEO, don't want the
worry of making errors, don't have the
in-house budget for the software required, or they simply need traffic, FAST.
Your SEO Can Be More Cost-Effective
you are probably starting to realize, outsourcing your search engine
optimization to a professional firm can often be more cost-effective than
attempting it in-house. However there has always been a kind of skepticism when
it comes to hiring search engine promotion companies, mainly because of the
early "cowboy" SEO companies who used unethical techniques and spammed
the search engines with junk content. There is an interesting
article about hiring SEO firms, written by Marketing Sherpa, titled: Five
Myths That Stop Companies From Hiring Search Engine Optimization Experts They
Desperately Need.
own SEO
company Web Rank Ltd and other
specialist firms employs experienced website promotion specialists in the area of internet marketing
and SEO, whose full-time
role is to place clients high in the search engines and keep them there. Our own
highly respected staff have developed very successful and ethical search
engine positioning techniques over the past 5 years and have
a proven track record of excellent results and satisfied
clients. We even offer a money
back satisfaction guarantee.
you'd like us to have a look at your site's search engine compatibility and
provide an obligation-free quotation to optimize your site, please
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